To see if certain equipment is available anywhere in the consortium, click on the synthesis, sample preparation, or analytical links below.
Radboud University Nijmegen
- Biotage Syro II - A 96-well plate based peptide synthesizer.
- Biotage Extrahera - Purification system for the Biotage Syro II.
Eindhoven University of Technology
- Liberty Blue 2.0 - A microwave-assisted peptide synthesizer.
Sample preparation
Radboud University Nijmegen
- Opentron OT-2 - Python operable liquid handling robot.
- Opentron Flex - Python operable liquid handling robot.
- iDOT - A 96-well-plate-based liquid dispensing and formulating robot.
- Chemspeed Flex - Formulating robot. Ordered, so not available yet.
- Chemspeed Swing - Formulating robot. Ordered, so not available yet.
Eindhoven University of Technology
- Opentron Flex - Python operable liquid handling robot. The Eindhoven Opentron Flex is equiped with a 96-channel pipette and HEPA filter + UV module for biological work.
- iDOT - A 96-well-plate-based liquid dispensing and formulating robot.
- SynchronLab Xperimate - Formulating robot. Ordered, so not available yet.
University of Groningen
- ChemSpeed iSynth - Formulating robot. Ordered, so not available yet.
Radboud University Nijmegen
- Headspace GC - A gas chromatograph for volatile compound analysis.
- BMG NepheloSTAR Plus - A nephelometer to measure light scattering.
- BMG SPECTROstar Nano - A plate reader for rapid absorbance measurements.
- Tecan Spark - A plate reader for absorbance and fluorescence measurements. The Nijmegen Tecan Spark is equiped with a TeCool temperature control module and fluorescencep polarization detector.
- Unchained Labs Stunner - A multimodal plate reader that can measure absorbance and multi-angle dynamic and static light scattering.
Eindhoven University of Technology
- Microtrac Nanotrac Flex - A probe-based dynamic light scattering instrument.
- Microtrac Stabino Zeta - A probe-based zeta potential analyzer.
- Confocal NL5+ - A confocal microscope for multiwell plates.
- Tecan Spark - A plate reader for absorbance and fluorescence measurements. The Eindhoven Tecan Spark is equiped with a luminescence detector.