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Headspace GC


An Agilent 8890 Gas Chromatograph with an Agilent 8697 XL Headspace Sampler. The instrument has a 120 vial capacity and five removable 24-vial racks.

The GC runs using hydrogen as a carrier gas and uses an FID for detection.

The Headspace Sampler can equilibrate samples up to 200 ℃..

Columns Available

The following columns are available (only one may be installed at a time).

  • DB-624 UI 30 m x 0.25 mm, x 1.40 μm
  • DB-WAX Ultra Inert 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm

Accepted Samples

Headspace GC vials (flat bottom, N20 crimp-capped vials). Vial volumes of 10, 20 and 22 mL are accepted. Liquid volumes inside the vials should not exceed 10 mL. Any solvent is acceptable.

Output Data Format

Data are automatically stored in proprietary Agilent file formats. Manual, but bulk, export to .csv format is possible.


The Headspace GC can hold 120 vials in its autosampler. The throughput of the instrument depends on the equilibration time for each vial, the length of the GC method, and the time required to reset the GC to be ready for injection.